Thursday, November 13, 2008

The SP Critique:

A couple of months ago, I decided to act upon a conversation a girlfriend and I have had since the springtime: I would give online dating a try and subscribe to

My girl and I both felt our dating lives had become stagnant--- meeting the same guy but just wrapped in a different college, job, and fraternity. We thought Match would be a way to broaden our scope, see who else is out there, and maybe, just maybe, get "lucky".

So... I got expert advice; I made up a cute screen name that was flirty but catchy... (just like me, right?). Another girlfriend of mine, a pro at online dating, revised my info so I didn't sound too geeky (I do think knowing how food is produced in the US is important for everyone to learn) or too academic (I wrote, "I enjoy syndicated tv shows"... My girl said "syndicated" was too big of a word and it made me sound corny).

I broaden my scope. I would date the "young & older", the "black & whiter", the "short & taller", "the rich & ... somewhat richer" :). I wasn't looking for marriage and didn't advertise for that, but I did say I was looking for a mate/companion/someone who just wants to chill with me. It was hard to talk about myself and it was really hard to capture the essence of "SP" in a one-pager :). I thought I had an impressive resume but I quickly found there are a lot of women who had the same (of course I checked out the competition). No worries, right? There is only one "SP" but I tell you I was quite impressed that the women on Match were not afraid to put it out there... "Sexy Kitten for You"; "Your the Joseph to my Mary"... Not really my style, but do you girl, because I know times are hard, time is tight, and it's forecasted to be a cold winter. LOL!

So I finally got my profile up and I was immediately excited because I thought I got my fair share of requests... I ended up meeting up with 3 guys; 2 dates were good and 1 date served as a reminder why I have limits on the men I choose to date. But immediately I learned that this online dating thing wasn't a breeze in the park. I had to quickly try to eliminate the "absolutely nots", respond to email conversations and keep them all straight, decide if I wanted to meet, how we would meet, when we would meet... And then, I quickly learned that pictures only give you a visual "idea" as to what to expect when they walk through the door. What the pictures don't tell you is how they carry themselves, how their prescence is felt in a room, or just simply their choice in fashion, which could include ball-crushing jeans, cowboy boots, a mullet, and a cooji sweater... in September... in Atlanta (that was date #3).

So what is my critique of
In my short-lived experience, it felt that my personal life had become a part-time job. It was just more work than I anticipated. I took my profile down after about a month. I will admit that maybe I didn't give it enough time, but I realized during that short run, it just didn't fit me. I think if you don't mind devoting the energy it takes, it could be worth your while. I got 2 good dates out of 3 and I have a few associates that have found "cyber-love" and are getting married. So maybe there are some good odds and the chances are in your favor to find what you want.

As for me, I think I will stay out away from online dating and leave it for the ones that can navigate this new age networking world. I think I am just the ol' school type. I like seeing a guy from across the room, giving him a flirty raised eyebrow as he tries to flirt back. And I like the idea that my "luck" may be the next time I peruse the books at B&N, grab my coffee at Starbucks, or go to that event... I just may meet the one who I am suited for and will become a part of my life in a chill kind of way....SP

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