Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Simpliest Love Song, But Why Is It So Hard To Do?

A couple weeks ago while I was in Tampa, I was getting ready go to work, I was listening to my Ipod and Bob Marley's song Is this Love started to play. As I was listening, I was dancing around my hotel room, being silly with a towel wrapped around my head pretending to have locks, just taking in Bob's music. (yeah, I know but everyone has silly alone time behaviors, right?)

Well, a week later after my silly time with Bob, I was still catching myself humming the tune. I started to think...His words were so simple... His declaration of love was to the point yet poignant... no pretenses; He has only the promise to just love. But I couldn't help to also think that if love is this simple, why is it so hard for lovers to do? Why is it so hard for so many people to find this kind of love? Why is it so hard to keep once you find it?

I know, I know... At least to me I sound a little naive and simple and even as I write this, I think it is a silly subject to devote a blog entry to. But it just amazes me how so many things can avert love. I even think about the love I witnessed as a child in my family and my friends' families. I would think to myself, at some point these people walked down the aisle and have uttered the same words. I would look in wedding albums where the couples seemed so happy. Or I would overhear grown-up conversations about a time that seemed filled with happiness and adventure. So where is it now? What happened? What got in the way? Money, pride, lustfulness, raising kids, fear, or just moving in different directions?

I have to some degree been skiddish about love because frankly, I didn't have a lot of examples in my young life where love lasted. And as an adult, when I hang out with my married friends, I am constantly observing and determining where love is in their relationship. How much are they giving up, giving in... Is it always worth it in the end?

And at times, I have some really disheartening conversations with married friends who tell me they have the divorce attorney on speed dial just waiting for their spouse to say the word or better yet, the numerous conversations I have with male friends who tell me their boys felt some kind of way about marrying their girl. Or as one male friend put it, "my boy felt like he was putting a gun to his head and pulling the trigger." Seriously? ... "Does the bride-to-be even know that he feels this way?", I asked. "Nope", he tells me, "but his feelings was more extreme than most. Most of my boys just felt like they were walking the plank".... Whew, that makes me feel better. LOL

I don't know if Bob's kind of love is truly real but nevertheless, I am holding out for it because it's what I want... Simple, with no pretenses. And I have waited this long so might as well wait a little longer. I have found that it is pretty easy to settle for just trying to love the one you're with. I am not so inclined to do that just because it is presented to me. And further more....I am not really trying to be equated to a suicide mission. For real, you can keep that proposal.

But if this love that Bob sings about is real, I think this will be "the song" of my relationship. Now I am so not the romantic type as my close friends know but I am a true believer of crafting the love in your life that is befitting of you. So find that song for you. Or for those who have someone, remember the song that forged the two of you together. And hopefully for me, the one I am with will feel Bob's sonnet to his lady in the same way that I do... Or if I am truly being a nut case about this, he will just understand and just simply be silly and dance along with me... SP
I wanna love you and treat you right;
I wanna love you every day and every night:
We'll be together with a roof right over our heads;
We'll share the shelter of my single bed;
We'll share the same room, yeah! - for Jah provides the bread.
Is this love - is this love - is this love -Is this love that I'm feelin'?

I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I - I'm willing and able,
So I throw my cards on your table!
See: I wanna love ya,
I wanna love and treat ya -love and treat ya right.
I wanna love you every day and every night.....

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