"So... SP why aren't YOU married yet?"
I know they mean well when I get asked this question and they are innocently curious, although sometimes I see the faces that have pinned me as the culprit to my luckless single life and the real question is "What's wrong with YOU?" :P... But it's funny to me that although I have been hit and reminded of my quizzical single status, I am always caught a little off guard. I have to think to myself, "Which spiel will I give them today?" Do I give them the sob story and recant "The Black in America, I should just slice my wrist" statistics which usually generates a bunch of head nods and "Girl, keep your head up". OR do I just hit 'em with the "Down Low Fad" describing it like it's a plague running rampant amongst the single in the A (which isn't so far from the truth). That one I find is usually an immediate stop to the conversation with my Granny... "They fruity like that, baby???" Lol, yeah Granny they that fruity.
But seriously, the honest SP answer is... I don't know why I am not married yet and I don't know the fate of my single life... It may end in a happily ever after situation OR it may blow up in smoke and I resort to being some weird chick that writes a blog of my next decade entitled, "40 Despondent Fridays". You know who's to say and at this point isn't half the fun watching as my life unfolds??? I say just pull up a chair and a glass of wine and follow how this chapter in my life ends for me.
So as my girlfriends are slyly trying to cook up hook ups in the hopes that MAYBE, just MAYBE he is the one (Yes T, I'm talking about you and will be going triple date bowling with all my fabulousness :P) ... I will go along and be open to any possibility that may present itself...
BUT my resolve about my single life and its future is to say... It will happen with the one I am suppose to be with when it happens. I am not trying to work at it, force it, or circumvent it. For better or for worse, I say I do to being happily satisfied with singlehood until "the one" makes himself plain and clear. --SP
Keep ya head up, Shugah!