I think we all secretly get online and check out what astrologers say about love, compatibility, and sexuality, because when it comes to relationships, everyone is looking for some solid gold answer that explains the bullets of our past and the love makings of our future. I mean how else can my girls and I explain my last date's irrational and moody behavior... "Gurrl, what's his sign???... Yep. that's an Aquarius man for you". :)
Well, this is one of many excerpts I've read about me and love. I'm thinking this is pretty valid information as one of the authors of this website abandoned her accounting degree to study astrology and designs jewelry in her free time. The other author has the ability to "just know" things. :P
So what do they tell me???
You love tenderly and compassionately...You have a sense of humor in love, but you are a very sensitive person. Harshness bothers you... Wistfulness is almost as natural to you as breathing when it comes to love. No matter how you approach other areas of your life, there is a romantic side of you. You crave making a connection with a person but prefer to "feel out" both the person and the relationship.
Everything about the way you flirt promises a lovely time. You have an elusive charm — you are sweetly playful, a little moody, and perhaps a little irregular. You can be devastatingly attractive to some people, and your charm is of a tender and soft quality. Others sense your warmth, but also some elusiveness. As much as you want to connect and share with another person, you also resist being pinned down. You prefer to enjoy a certain amount of freedom to act on your feelings, rather than through impositions...
Sometimes you attach yourself to people because you have a hard time saying "no". However, you also have a hard time pretending for any length of time. Your exit from a relationship may not always be direct and quick...
You can sometimes seem like a chameleon in your relationships. People who share time with you, if they were to exchange notes about you, would likely have a very different impression of you. You can seem like a completely different person with different people--not because you have a weak character. Because you are an emotional sponge, you pick up the needs of those around you...
You have an amazing capacity to understand people and to forgive. Just as you resist being pinned down to an absolute, a schedule, or a concrete definition, you also have a hard time drawing boundaries. In the process, however, you open yourself up to challenging situations and relationships. It is difficult for you to pass judgment on anyone in an absolute sense, as you have compassion for human failings, but sometimes it is the only way to close yourself off from a bad situation...
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and it carries with it each and every sign. The right lover for you will recognize your kindness and your willingness to pick up the needs of others as signs of strength! When that special someone has touched your heart, they are rewarded with a funny, sometimes kooky, and always tender-hearted lover. The right person for you will find you absolutely delightful, intriguingly changeable, and a treasure indeed.
So basically they're saying that I'm a scatterbrained who lacks boundaries, makes bad choices with men, adorns the "I am sen-si-tive" t-shirt on a regular, is inconsistently needy, can't let go of relationships when I should, and pass bad judgments on men to get them out of my life, BUT...
I. am. adorable! (So love me anyway)... I think I can live with that. :P